Collegiate Licenses

SuitUp LLC holds a retail license for George Mason University via CLC.

We are proud to be a licensed provider for your group at George Mason University.
To get started with your order, please email Let us know the department or group with which you are associated and provide us with the details of your project. 

George Mason's marks are licensed and must be approved by George Mason for use on apparel and products.  Being licensed means we can work with you to make sure your designs meet the university's qualifications and guidelines.


SuitUp LLC is also licensed for several fraternities and sororities located at George Mason University via Affinity. When your fraternity or sorority purchases their apparel from a licensed vendor like SuitUp a portion of every sale goes back to the organization. 

The groups we currently hold licenses for are

  • Alpha Omicron Pi
  • Alpha Phi
  • Alpha Xi Delta
  • Beta Theta Pi
  • Chi Omega
  • Phi Sigma Kappa
  • Pi Kappa Alpha

To get started with a group order for your fraternity or sorority, please email Let us know what group you belong to and what you are looking to get done. Additional licenses can be petitioned for with a qualifying group order.